The Service Provision Agreement between the BBC and Capita Business Services has some very interesting and novel concepts seemingly based upon the 5 year plan model of discredited Marxist totalitarian dictatorships of the past. Take for example, the concept of continual growth of BBC television licence revenue envisaged exemplified here from page 70 of the Service Provision Agreement:
“We understand the BBC’s imperative to increase net licence fee income. This will be our prime
objective. However we also recognise that you are seeking:
•A minimal risk transition to the new arrangements;
•An efficient operation in all respects with reduced administration and IT cost;
•Certainty of fee income;
•A culture and corporate style that encourages flexibility, openness and practicality; and
•A long-term partnership that not only encourages innovation, investment, integration and joint
working, but also seeks and delivers future benefits to both parties.”
“We understand”. “We” is Capita Business Services, seemingly. Apparently, what they understand is “the BBC’s imperative to increase net licence fee income.” What the BBC and Capita Business Services failed to understand and continue to fail to understand is how “the BBC’s imperative to increase net licence fee income” is to be achieved year upon year for the entire term of the Service Provision Agreement without infringing on the inalienable liberties of people who are lawfully licence free. While mention is made of “future benefits to both parties” no mention is made of the present and future disbenefits to those who are not party to the Service Provision Agreement. Namely, those who are lawfully licence free and therefore have no wish, desire or intention of funding the BBC or participating in the BBC TV Licensing™ regime cooked up between the BBC and Capita Business Services. The notion of assumed consent contained within the Service Provision Agreement is as breathtaking in the expression of corporate arrogance and conceit as it is breathtaking in it's scale. However, not content with that on page 73 of the Service Provision Agreement is this:
“3. Our Vision
At one level our vision for the TV Licensing service is a simple one: to significantly increase net licence fee income while always supporting the BBC brand. However achieving this demands a challenging set of objectives, new ways of working, new technologies and ‘sea-change’ in culture.
Our vision therefore incorporates the following key changes:
•The creation of a modern working environment that supports and encourages the evolution to a
culture of innovation ,‘can-do’, devolved responsibility and flexibility;
•Controlled transformation of the technology that supports the Contact Centre, Administration,
Marketing and Field Operations alike in order to provide a service that is efficient, effective and flexible to change. (The introduction of new key technology components to generate and assist
in business and administration change is considered fundamental to increasing revenue and
reducing cost);
•The use of personalised segmented contact strategies to a much greater extent than hitherto in
order to better target evader groups (particularly focusing on students, businesses and ethnic
•Far greater integration across all aspects of the service to enable joint, better informed
decisions to be made both strategically and from an operational day-to-day resourcing
perspective; and
•Development of a partnership culture that not only means that we work together on day-to-day
service problems and opportunities to maximise collection and efficiency, but also actively seeks
commercial ventures that will benefit both parties as the BBC’s commercial landscape develops.
The transformation and introduction of the supporting technology will clearly be a key element of this vision. However the transformation of the operational culture will provide an equally significant benefit.
In achieving this, we will ensure that the transferring staff are initially comfortable with the new arrangements and then look to develop both their skills and their ‘buy-in’ to the ‘new world’. Achieving this will be vital. The introduction of technology without this focus on the people will result in expensive re-working and an inability to achieve the high levels of performance to which we both aspire. We believe that we have an exceptional track record of delivering this blend of transformed culture combined with radical technology change supporting administration services of a similar character.”
The mutual corporate delirium between the BBC and Capita Business Services in raptures about “Our Vision” is abundantly evident. Once again there is the fixation with, obsession arguably, “to significantly increase net licence fee income”. Much mention is made of, “technologies”, “targeting”, “innovation”, “devolved responsibility”, “buy-in”, “new world”, but the most important absence of all from the whole Service Provision Agreement is any mention whatever of the consent, rights and liberties of the people most affected by it. Seemingly, just about everybody in the United Kingdom who does not “buy-in” or is part of their “new world”. The transfer of police-style "offender profiling" to "tv licence evader profiling" by the BBC and Capita Business Services in this part of the Service Provision Agreement is an affront to common sense. According to the Service Provision Agreement, those who are in business, full-time students or ethnic minorities are to be singled out, targeted, and discriminated against. Totalitarian dictators Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, et al may all be dead and gone but seemingly their repressive spirit is alive and prospering at the BBC and Capita Business Services under cover of the BBC TV Licensing™ contract. Was mention made anywhere of the European Convention on Human Rights? It was, just. The ECHR and it's derivative laws are unspecified "applicable laws" apparently. Questions have to be raised about the inactivity of the various Secretaries of State for Culture, Media and Sport while this Service Provision Agreement was in development and then put into operation.
In the early part of the term of the Service Provision Agreement the objectives set would have been attainable and sustainable. However, it does not require a grand master of strategy to figure out and realise that as the Service Provision Agreement between the BBC and Capita Business Services progresses over the years that more and more extreme, intrusive and repressive techniques are required to maintain the much stated objective “to significantly increase net licence fee income” for and on behalf of the BBC on the continual basis cited to maintain the promised “increase” in “net licence fee income”. No better evidence of this development can be cited than this TV Licensing blogspot blogpost, "Hounded by TV Licensing Gestapo". With the passage of time comes the concomitant increase in “unattainability” and “unsustainability” of financial growth coupled with the concomitant decrease in “acceptability” and “consent” of wider society. In a word, tyranny.
The value of domestic cctv surveillance and handheld video camera can prove invaluable in gathering evidence of the serial abuses and misdemeanours perpetrated by employees of Capita Business Services under cover of the BBC TV Licensing™ contract. TV Licensing Watch advise anybody who has the misfortune to have face to face dealings with Capita Business Services TV Licensing™ to make an audio-visual record of those dealings in their entirety covertly or overtly with cctv and handheld video cameras.
For people who have not exercised their right to remain silent, TV Licensing Watch advise anybody who has had the misfortune to have face to face dealings with Capita Business Services TV Licensing™ and have received a summons as a consequence to contact a licensed law practitioner if: there is the slightest discrepancy between the actual situation regarding viewing habits and/or what actually happened during the interview compared with what has been written on the TVL178 Record of Interview self incrimination form.
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